My name is Carter Casey, and I'm a graduate of Tufts University, where I earned a B.S. in Cognitive & Brain Sciences and Computer Science. Over the summer I worked as a Software Development Intern for athenahealth in Watertown, MA.
This fall (2015) I'll be going back to Tufts to get a Masters in Computer Science.
I came late to Computer Science, discovering four semesters into my first major that I loved working with code. In my second and third semesters doing Comp Sci, I TA'd the first and second introductory courses: Introduction to Computer Science and Data Structures.
During the fall semester of senior year I had the honor of being named Teaching Fellow for a course regarded as one of our most work intensive, but also most rewarding: Machine Architecture and Assembly Language Programming. I was responsible for coordinating the other TAs and leading supplementary lessons for the students around exam time. I managed to fit a lot of classes into my last semester as an undergrad at Tufts, but I couldn't continue my responsibilities as Teaching Fellow. I still worked as a teaching assistant, helping out with Computation Theory while working through my courseload.
This past semester I was enrolled in four CS courses at Tufts: Compilers, Web Programming, Networks & Protocols, and Inernet-Scale Distributed Systems: Lessons from the World Wide Web (by far the longest name of a course I've taken here).